
GAIA Rating rewards Cementir for ESG performance

Score of 73 out of 100 in the overall valuation of sustainability indicators

Gaia Rating, part of the Ethifinance group, has recognized Cementir as one of the most virtuous companies in terms of sustainability amongst those belonging to the building materials sector.

In fact, Cementir obtained an overall score of 73 points out of 100, ranking 22nd out of a total of 512 companies (top 4%) and 1st place of a total 8 companies in the "Materials" sector with respect to ESG (Governance, Social, Environmental and External Stakeholder) performance, improving its rating for the third consecutive year and scoring above the sector average.

This evaluation is supported by excellent results especially in the environmental area with an overall score of 95/100, followed by the Governance area with a score of 82/100.

This new ESG award comes on top of Cementir’s recent upgrade to B rating by Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).